miércoles, 21 de febrero de 2007

Venezuela Estrecha Lazos con Londres

De La Caída de FeCal:

Abarata Hugo Chávez transporte en Londres
LONDRES, Inglaterra (AP)

El alcalde de Londres Ken Livingstone firmó ayer un acuerdo con una compañía de Venezuela que abastecerá de combustible barato a los autobuses rojos de dos pisos que son un símbolo entrañable de la ciudad.

Livingstone expresó que el plan fue idea del presidente venezolano Hugo Chávez y recortará un 20% los costos de combustible del sistema de transporte municipal.

Livingstone, un alcalde socialista que es conocido localmente como el “Rojo Ken” se reunió el año pasado en la Alcaldía con Chávez para discutir el convenio para la compra de combustible barato para Londres a cambio de asesoría en planeación urbana para Caracas, la capital venezolana.


Huy sí. Ahora falta que digan que el alcalde de Londres es un dictador desquiciado y un peligro para el mundo...

La nota también en la BBC
Mayor signs Venezuelan oil deal
Hugo Chavez and Ken Livingstone
President Chavez was a guest of the mayor in May 2006
Ken Livingstone has signed an oil deal with Venezuela - providing cheap fuel for London's buses and giving cut price travel for those on benefits.

The mayor of London said the agreement will help provide half-price bus and tram travel to some 250,000 Londoners on income support.

The deal follows discussions between Mr Livingstone and Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.

Mr Livingstone signed the deal at a ceremony in City Hall.

Representatives from the Venezuelan government and the oil company Petróleos de Venezuela Europa (PDVE) were at the ceremony.

"Third-rate dictator"

"This agreement will benefit up to a quarter of a million of the lowest income Londoners," Mr Livingstone said.

"Those on income support will be eligible to receive half price bus and tram travel - a benefit worth at least £280-a-year."

In return, a team of officials from the Greater London Authority will work in Venezuela advising on recycling, waste management, traffic and on reducing carbon emissions.

But Richard Barnes, deputy leader of the London Assembly Conservatives, attacked the deal.

"Why does London, one of the richest capitals in the world, need to exploit a developing nation? This money would be better directed at the poor of Venezuela," he said.

"London should not be doing business with third-rate South American dictators with an appalling human rights and democratic record."

Venezuela has the largest oil reserves in the Americas, and its socialist president is the Bush administration's fiercest critic in Latin America.

But in November 2005, it signed a deal with the US state of Massachusetts to provide cheap heating oil to poor households. Similar deals were also signed in Boston and New York.